A policy of automobile insurance will contain many different parts called “coverages”. Some coverages are required by law and some are optional coverages. Some contain deductibles and some do not. The number of different coverages you can have under your policy is determined by how much you want to pay for that coverage. Here is […]
Do I have “Full Coverage” and is it enough?
Automobile insurance law in Florida is confusing. Many people believe that when they purchase “full coverage” they are fully protected from all consequences of an accident. Those people may be wrong. In Florida, “full coverage” only means you have the basic coverage required by Florida law, namely Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage and Property Damage […]
Will my medical bills be paid for?
In general, if your injuries were caused by the negligence of someone else, that person is responsible for the reasonable and necessary medical bills you incur due to your injuries. You may also be entitled to be compensated for medical care that you may receive in the future. Of course, each case is different. So, […]
What if the other person’s insurance company contacts me for a recorded statement?
We always recommend that you do not give a recorded statement to the other person’s insurance company without having the advice of an attorney. Please understand – and this is very important – there is no requirement under the law that you give the other insurance company a recorded statement. The insurance company is looking for ways […]
How soon after my accident should I hire an attorney or file a lawsuit?
Once again, this question will depend on the specific facts of a case. We recommend that you contact our personal injury attorneys us as soon after an accident as possible. Of course, your health is always going to be your most important concern and you must take care of your injuries. But understand that an […]