Automobile crashes and car accidents occur daily in almost every major Florida city and metropolitan area. Orlando and the Central Florida area are no exception. With almost seventeen million licensed drivers in the Sunshine State, The Florida DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) estimates that well over a quarter of a million car accidents will occur in […]
Car Accident Documentation
Lately there have been several articles in the media and on various web sites discussing what you should do if involved in a car accident. While most of the information is valid, a majority of the recommendations regarding what you should do if you are involved in an auto accident are perhaps somewhat incomplete. Keeping […]
Car Accident Statistics 2017
Car accidents and automobile crashes occur daily throughout Orlando, Central Florida and the State of Florida every day. Yet what are the actual number of car crashes and where do most of them occur? The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) collects auto accident data, updates it daily and makes it available […]
Driving Tired Can Lead to Increased Risk of Automobile Accidents
Driving while tired not only puts you at risk, but also puts others at risk as well. A study by AAA spanning 1999-2008 showed that nearly 17 percent of fatal crashes are a result of sleepy drivers, and one in eight car accidents in which someone went to the hospital was caused by an overly […]
Protecting Your Rights from Insurance Companies
After a car accident, you will likely be shaken up, nervous, and possibly not thinking clearly. This is especially true if you feel like you are injured. Soon after the accident occurs, you will likely be contacted by an insurance company, either yours or the other car’s or both. You need to be careful very […]