Sometimes a product malfunctions or is not safely designed. Such defects can and do cause substantial and significant injuries to people. This type of legal action that addresses injuries that are caused by a defective product is known as a products liability case. Defective product liability cases can be very expensive cases to bring to court, as they usually require the retaining of special experts to test the products and testify about the product’s defects and design. Therefore, a products liability case usually requires that a substantial injury has occurred to an individual to justify the expense involved in taking the case to court and being awarded damages. However, this does not mean that if you are or a family member have been injured due to the design or manufacturing of a product that you should not pursue legal recourse to recover damages that you are entitled to.
A wide range of circumstances do result in a product being defective and posing a danger to the user. These may include both errors in the product’s design and problems introduced during the manufacturing process, such as the wrong materials or sub-standard ingredients being used. Additionally, the lack of proper instructions for the safe use of a product and the lack of warnings regarding a product’s potential dangers also both constitute a case for defective product liability.
Our firm is experienced in the litigation of defective product liability and we have expert attorneys that deal with such cases. If you believe that you have been injured as a result of a malfunctioning or improperly designed product, please call us today at (407) 423-1313 or contact us online now for a free consultation without any obligation.
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