Uninsured motorist coverage is, by far, the most valuable automobile insurance coverage you can buy. Even if you have health insurance, health insurance won’t pay for lost wages, past or future, nor will it pay for pain and suffering, disability or for the loss of enjoyment of life your injuries have caused you. Do not […]
So how do I adequately protect myself and my family?
There is one type of insurance coverage that will help to make sure you are properly protected in all circumstances. This insurance is called Uninsured Motorist coverage (it is commonly called just “UM”). Uninsured Motorist coverage is designed with one goal in mind….to protect you in all these situations. The name adequately describes what it […]
Will full coverage completely protect me and my family?
Generally, the answer is no. If you are injured in an accident, you may be entitled to collect damages from the person who caused the accident, including unpaid and future medical bills, and lost and future wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. In order to collect these damages, the person causing the accident must […]
What does liability coverage mean?
Liability coverage is a type of insurance that protects the person who is “liable” or, in other words, responsible for causing the accident. For example, if you have the Property Damage Liability coverage mentioned above, you are protected if you cause damage someone’s car in an accident. Your insurance will pay to have the car […]
So this is full coverage?
Yes, full coverage, that is the insurance required to satisfy Florida law, only consists of PIP and Property Damage Liability coverage. While a policy with only PIP and PD is the minimum or smallest coverage you can buy in Florida to satisfy the law, this is considered to be “full coverage” under Florida law.