Generally, the answer is no. If you are injured in an accident, you may be entitled to collect damages from the person who caused the accident, including unpaid and future medical bills, and lost and future wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.
In order to collect these damages, the person causing the accident must have Bodily Injury (BI) liability insurance. But what happens if the person that caused the accident only has PIP and Property Damage liability coverage, the minimum insurance required by law? In that case, there won’t be any liability insurance available to pay for your injury damages. They can pay to get your car fixed, but not pay for your injuries.
Unfortunately, there are many drivers in Florida that purchase the minimum insurance so that can get a registration and be legally driving on the road. In fact, you would be surprised at the number of drivers that are on the road with absolutely no insurance coverage at all. If you assume or take for granted that a person who causes an accident will have adequate insurance to pay your injury damages, you may be in for a rude an unpleasant surprise. And worse yet, it may come too late for you do anything about it.