After a car accident, you will likely be shaken up, nervous, and possibly not thinking clearly. This is especially true if you feel like you are injured. Soon after the accident occurs, you will likely be contacted by an insurance company, either yours or the other car’s or both. You need to be careful very when dealing with insurance companies. They may try to take advantage of you by trying to get you to give information or to sign documentation that is not in your best interest to give or sign. While you have an obligation to cooperate with your own insurance company after an accident by reporting the claim and telling them what happened, the same is not true about the insurance company for the other car or cars. In either case, it may be best to contact a personal injury lawyer prior to speaking with any insurance company, such as Mark A. Risi, for a free consultation.
Insurance companies have claim specialists known as adjusters, who try to do what they can to minimize the amount of compensation their company may have to pay due to an accident. These adjusters undergo a great deal of training to be able to do this. So, what can you do to make sure you get the compensation you deserve?
- The first thing you can do is hire a personal injury lawyer like the experienced attorneys at The Law Office of Mark A. Risi. An attorney can help make sure your rights are protected and that you are not taken advantage of by the insurance company. An attorney’s goal will be to see that you are compensated for medical bills, auto repair bills, and other financial losses. With our law firm, you do not pay a fee unless we get a recovery for you. The early hiring of a lawyer will put a person experienced in handling personal injury claims on your side from the beginning. There really is no reason not to call us. Mark A. Risi always provides free consultations to help you better understand the process, your rights, and how the process will. And there is never a fee unless a recovery is made for you.
- Watch what you say. You will be required to speak with your insurance company after an accident has happened to report the claim. This is part of your insurance policy. You are not required to speak with the insurance company for the other driver, no matter what you are told. When speaking with your insurance company, however, be careful what you say as you will most likely be recorded. When speaking about your injuries, be careful how you describe them to the person on the phone. Saying “I’m fine,” or ”I’m OK” may be understood or interpreted as I do not think I am injured. Do not back yourself into a corner by saying something like this. Often, a person may be injured in an accident, but may not feel the results of those injuries right away. Typically, the pain from a neck and back injury will get steadily worse over the 24-48 hours after a car accident. You should always give yourself a few days to see if you develop any pain after a car accident. Give your insurance company the facts of the car accident but do not make any definite statements about any injuries you may have sustained. Remember that anything else you say to them can be used against you later on. If you have any doubts about what to say to your insurance company, you should consult an attorney as well as a doctor before giving up any vital information about your personal wellbeing.
- Watch what you sign! Anything you sign may be an admission or worse a release of any potential claim you have. Especially if you are offered money in exchange for signing. Progressive Insurance is known to have the adjusters in their white SUVs offer accident victims at the scene of an accident in exchange for signing a release of all claim. If you have any doubts about singing anything you should speak with an experienced personal injury car3 accident attorney, like those found at The Law Office of Mark A. Risi.
These are just a few tips to help protect your rights until you can meet with an attorney and determine the best course or action. You can find more tips on what to do after you have been involved in a car accident by reading our newsletter on Florida accidents. If you have been in a car accident and need assistance from an experienced Orlando personal injury lawyer, call The Law Office of Mark A. Risi at (407) 423-1313 or contact us online and we will answer any questions that you may have.