While I am sure that some of these visits were for persons taking painkillers and tranquilizers to control pain related to injuries and other medical conditions, I have to wonder if some of this is related to young people taking painkillers and tranquilizers as recreational drugs.
If you are taking prescribed pain killers because you have been injured in some way or are having pain due to some medical condition such as a car accident, worker’s compensation claim or just because you have a bad back or neck, care should always be taken when prescription painkillers are involved. Persons injured in car accidents and other type of accidents, often need painkillers early in their personal injury cases to control pain and allow them to function and to sleep. It is easy to become dependent on these medications to the point where they can end up doing more harm than good.
Be honest with yourself. Talk with your spouse, other family members or even your friends. You may think they are being paranoid or overly cautious, but they may in fact have an objective outlook on your situation. Ask yourself, and your friends and family, have i become dependent on my medications just to function every day? If you think the answer is yes, talk to your doctor about making a change in your prescription.